One Day for Planet Earth

Can planet Earth be appreciated enough? Considering the fact that despite the many human induced problems, she still functions in many ways to ensure the continuous survival of every dependent life form from time immemorial.

Perhaps, the situation would have been a lot different if man had over time learnt to moderate his relative ecological footprint on the planet. Alas, man had and still has been busy exploiting greedily and without remorse the abundant resources embedded in the Earth by providence. It is a lot reasonable to commend the Earth for a job well-done in sustaining and maintaining a still appreciable level of balance in her system despite a great deal of disorderliness that has accumulated over time.
The earth’s system has however been a reciprocal one such that whatever fed to it in action yields back in just the same measure to either fuel a disastrous event or provide a means to survival. Such has been the case with the Earth’s current responses to the many years of negligence of due care and active responsibility by man. So much we have taken from the Earth and so little have we contributed to the planet’s system maintenance.

 However, the scenario of events now does not give room to an endless blame game as time is no longer luxury that humanity can afford even as the planet is trying hard to keep up a balance with the pace of the unhealthy development that prevails.
Despite the fact that the Earth is much more complex in form and functionality than we are, yet, we play a very important role in the big system. Our biological and physiological capabilities are quite imperative in the process of modifying and setting a balance in the ecosystem. So invariably, humans in a lot of ways determine the extent of change within the Ecosystem due to their impactful ecological footprint which progressively increases with the corresponding level of advancement attained.  

The face of the planet is changing and the system is shifting towards a direction that would be way far off to what any generation of man has ever witnessed. Irregular weather pattern is fast becoming the new normal and occurrences of ecological disasters are not so farfetched.  However how enduring the Earth system could be, the scene of events now shows, she might not really hold for long.
This piece is however not to incite a blame game but to call for a much-needed awakening and of course there have been a number of call to action from all over the world, but just like we cannot appreciate the Earth enough, so, in just a similar manner, we cannot have enough calls to stand up to take actions. The calls need to get louder till it gets to the loudest such that the deaf ones among the many will have no other reason than to yield to the bidding of the time.

While we work towards ensuring an agreeable smart way of life in relationship with the ecosystem, the big picture is not to enjoy the resources the Earth produce but fit our needs and desires within the capacity the Earth could support. The enlightenment is needed more as there are many people, even in the corridors of power who are ignorant of the fact that we need the Earth’s system running fine to have a future of economic stability and security safety.

 In the end, the question still resonates…” Can we truly appreciate the Earth enough?”


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