
Showing posts from April, 2017

One Day for Planet Earth

C an planet Earth be appreciated enough? Considering the fact that despite the many human induced problems, she still functions in many ways to ensure the continuous survival of every dependent life form from time immemorial. Perhaps, the situation would have been a lot different if man had over time learnt to moderate his relative ecological footprint on the planet. Alas, man had and still has been busy exploiting greedily and without remorse the abundant resources embedded in the Earth by providence. It is a lot reasonable to commend the Earth for a job well-done in sustaining and maintaining a still appreciable level of balance in her system despite a great deal of disorderliness that has accumulated over time. The earth’s system has however been a reciprocal one such that whatever fed to it in action yields back in just the same measure to either fuel a disastrous event or provide a means to survival. Such has been the case with the Earth’s current responses to the many...