Could the Earth Shut Down Anytime Soon?

Often, I do have this wide imagination about the possibility of a total apocalypse, where all that makes the world normal and livable suddenly ceases without a prior warning or notification. Then I wonder what the possible scenario would be like, obviously and nonetheless chaotic! I imagine a day when nature would choose to go into a forceful hibernation as a payback for all that humanity is obviously guilty of according to the law that governs the universe and in a more down to earth way of saying “the day the nemesis of our actions catches up on us”. 

While this painted scenario could seem a lot fictional like a plot from a movie to a lot of people who are less concerned or care so little about the status of our only home planet, the reality seems more obvious in the fact of what obtains in the everyday extinction of a part of our ecosystem. The situation has in recent times gone rather on the worse side of expectation with the current rate of extinction at 1,000 times higher than natural background rates. Perhaps a little reflection from elementary biology would help better at explaining the reality at hand, at least open up on some understanding, the  terminology of concern is “Ecosystem”, which is regarded as a system of life which exists on the interconnections of both the living and non-living components of our environment. So, in a way, the survival of both the living and non-living parts of our planet all depends on each other’s existence and no part is more essential than the other. 

At this current alarming rate, humanity is really pushing harder than ever and it might sound a lot reasonable to project a possible shutting down scenario of the normal default status of our planet soon. All indication shows the seemingly domineering non- repentance side of our humanity and perhaps the non-acceptance of guilt on the parts we have played so far in wrecking this planet. It has reached that point when the possibility of losing a part of our ecosystem to a journey of no return is as clear sighted as normal. While some skeptics would think it a usual phenomenon in the natural ecological balance, in a way projecting an argument on the premise of pre-historic records of fossils, am afraid, a good explanation lies in the fact of the differences in the cause and time. The rapidity of the changes witnessed around now way surpasses the earlier era’s version of changes and the most notable factor of inducement has been largely attributed to human actions.

Both plants and animals have their respective roles to play in maintaining a balance ecological-wise, such that if one dies out, the possible survival of the other is endangered. A possible example is the current reports about the declining population of bees, if the bees die out, what would happen to the natural means of seed dispersal and consequently what would that mean to plant diversity globally? If the polar ice sheets become all thawed, what happens to the natural breeding and feeding ground of polar bears, penguins, walrus, sea lions and other dependent life forms and if we lose a lot of these amazing flora and fauna, what would happen to humanity, our health most especially, our economic and social side, while in totality our survival and sanity as humanity? 

 The supposedly apocalypse definitely would not happen all of a sudden as there is a law of gradualism that governs the existence and the manifestation of things in the universe, so, for every manifestation, there must have been a process. The facts all abound that all could shut down someday if we do not change the pattern of our relative impact on this planet and little do we know that the processes to the manifestation of the doomsday is already set in motion, but then, we could still turn back the hands of time, while we still have the time and when the days of evil are yet to come.
The part of humanity is to play the role of custodian to this wonderful world and its fullness but alas, we assumed the role of danger to the planet and i keep wondering where we got it all wrong.

“The lord placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it”
Genesis 2:15
Bamidele F. Oni


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