Could the Earth Shut Down Anytime Soon? Often, I do have this wide imagination about the possibility of a total apocalypse, where all that makes the world normal and livable suddenly ceases without a prior warning or notification. Then I wonder what the possible scenario would be like, obviously and nonetheless chaotic! I imagine a day when nature would choose to go into a forceful hibernation as a payback for all that humanity is obviously guilty of according to the law that governs the universe and in a more down to earth way of saying “the day the nemesis of our actions catches up on us”. While this painted scenario could seem a lot fictional like a plot from a movie to a lot of people who are less concerned or care so little about the status of our only home planet, the reality seems more obvious in the fact of what obtains in the everyday extinction of a part of our ecosystem. The situation has in recent times gone rather on the worse side of expectati...