The Much we can do with little

In spite of the downplays by policy makers and the strong deniers witnessed in the regards of climate change, still the impacts have been vivid and obvious enough to challenge the consciousness of the more sensitive populace of the world. The fact is no longer debatable that climate change is real and the impacts are more obvious in recent times. Thanks to the latest IPCC report which gave the much anticipated view into the reasons to believe that the changes are predominantly anthropologically induced.
2013 witnessed a quite a number of events that would have propelled or perhaps changed the outlook of situations in the regards of commitments level by world leaders, major stakeholders and concerned agencies. But the reverse was the case and it even seemed we took some few steps back into the past which was shadowed in negligence. In a more vivid look, the climate talks in Warsaw saw a lot of drama, from the walk-out of the African civil society delegations to the hunger strike staged by the Yeb Sano in solidarity for the disastrous events cased by hurricane Hiayan and of course not forgetting the renewed commitment of the host nation to coal exploration.
Yeb Sano
But in a more distinguished view, it was not a total fall out; the year recorded a massive turn-out of youth actions from across the world. From the hot tropics of Africa to the cold fringes of Europe and North America, a lot of heroic moves and stand were recorded. The arrest of the Arctic 30 of Greenpeace international made quite a scene all around the world, thanks to the world wide solidarity that got them released from the cold hands of the Russian government. Massive move for divestment on fossil fuel took a magnified stage while the actions against tar sand exploration made some impacts in the U.S and Canada. Africa also witnessed a rise in the level of local actions, grassroots movements and a heightened level of awareness.
It seem more obvious now, that the youths are quite very aware of what is at stake here, our future , our lives and our continuous survival. The reasons abound to support these determined and die-hard actions. The leaders of today have well proven their love and stand for the leaders of tomorrow , that, we have seen and it seem there are no more reason to prove themselves than what they have portrayed.
We stand on the fringe of a catastrophic collapse of the ecosystem and still we have to fight hard to be heard; pay with the last of our strength to make them work out a policy to secure a homely earth for us when they cease to exist.
To be more honest, I have not much to do with lamenting, but I would rather save my energy to incite more youths to take action in the wise of saving this planet from the ravages of our unfriendly and unsustainable actions. Yes, I know we have not been found wanting in a committed stand, yet again, I believe we can still do more and work harder leaving every stone turned and sending a wake-up call to every one we know who loves to have a future at least on Earth.
Often we do not have much to work or fight with, but in our strength lies our pride, we can do much more than we think we can, only if we can look deeply and make use of the little we have.
If you can speak, please let your voice be heard over the hills, if you can run, sprint all the way to make a change, if you can write, make your pen your sword and fight harder and if you think you don’t have much to give, help the ones who can and with that we can all fight for our lives and our common future.
You do not need more to do the much you can possibly afford now
In our strength lies our pride
Infinite courage to us all!
Yours Earthly...


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