The more Superior, Man or Nature?

N ature in its entirety is so complex to contain, let alone understand. Recent events have proven again how ambiguous nature could be with the best of our present knowledge and level of preparedness. This shows how vulnerable we are to the compelling power of nature. So, despite the acclamation that man has conquered nature, it is more the obvious that nature is still far more superior in complexity than we think we know. There has always been the question of what man would do when nature fights back and most times the responses have always been vague. Often, we place our chances on a few emergency plans formulated by years of supposed preparedness. However, this idea of preparedness would only work in certain parts of the world while the rest would rely on uncertain eventualities. That, on its own paints the big picture of global inequality, that is, the wide gap that exists between the global north and south. In a more simpler language, man would only prepare for as much ...