Some extract from an interview I had some years ago

Working in the line of an effective advocacy in this part of the world and most especially in our society really does come with a lot of difficulties. The facilities on ground are quite inadequate while the socio-economic situation that obtains around us has been a blindfold on the lots concerning the impact of the changes in their environment. I can bet it with you that they know and can tell you about how the changes have affected them and if you listen to their perception, you will be surprised about how much they know. But then they have a common problem which has always been what to attribute the changes to and how they could conform to the changes. That is exactly where we come in, trying to identify with the available option within their grasp that we could attach a definite meaning to. Of course we won’t tell them to stop abruptly whatever lifestyle we deem unsustainable but then we can make them think in the line of the impeding danger if we do not force ourselve...