The Change Is Here!

The first quarter of the year in Nigeria has always been noted as usually the hottest period with regards to weather variability and default seasonal pattern. This period is usually characterized with high solar intensity and consequently high temperature build-up which in a lot of ways causes a great deal of discomfort to people. However, the hot period is often short termed as the raining season breaks the hot cycle with the usually long wet months which invariably usher in the period of plenty (Food production). However, the first quarter of 2016 has recorded the hottest so far in this part of the world. The temperature was unusually higher than favorably normal while the accompanied heat wave broke every precedent record. And just as if the physiological discomfort is not enough, some food items have taken on the side of becoming very out of reach for the common man. An instance is that of the common and once affordable tomato fruit that has now become so scarce a...