"Thanks to global warming the Anophelese family grows stronger"

Zika virus is fast making headlines all over the world as a new strain of danger in the disease world and in a rather more complicated way, compounding the already existing problem of other life threatening diseases such as Malaria which invariably happens to share a base of similar hosts (Mosquitoes) with the new viral strain. Malaria has dealt with humanity for as long as the records could trace out and most significantly in the humid- tropical world and up till now it still represents the number one causative factor in the case of infant mortality with respect to the developing world. The anopheles family seems to be a bane on humanity as they seem to be capable of wiping out a significant percentage of the human population with their potent killer disease laden capacity. Now the whole world is under another disease scare and yet the possibility of a rapid worldwide spread is notably on the high side, thanks to globalization and to a more important fact...