On the Bumpy Road to Paris

As the day draws closer, so the expectations are rising from every concerned quarter of the planet. The time is now to build on the schematics that have been drawn all through the year in drafts and popular opinions; the actual moment to set the platform for the most assured common progress of transitioning from the traditional fossil fuel based economies to the more suitable renewable energy fuelled future. The climate negotiations will soon be resumed and this time around, it is globally assumed to take off on a different momentum of all seriousness and possibly birth a definitive way forward. Reasons are quite reflective in the happenings that marked the year as a promising one- the drawn statement from the G7 meeting earlier in the year that projected boldly on the 100% transition to renewable energy and the introduction of the intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) as expected from every country of the world with respect to individual efforts to eas...