The Touch Bearers

The Touch Bearers It takes a great deal of strength, boldness and determination to assume the responsibility of standing in the gap of making a deviation of change from the default societal norm or rather in a more down to earth term, standing to make a change. Often, it takes more or all to show the rest of the world the possibilities embedded in a move for change outside of the generalized notion of age long belief that has overtime become a norm and which is often characterized with no slightest expectation of a possible system collapse. From time immemorial, even in the midst of the common orientation of thoughts among the lots of the human population, there have always been some special ones that could read in between the lines of time and often they tend to see beyond the average aligned mind set of many around them. In a way it seem like providence has a way of paving out a path of sustenance through the present for the unknown future, so there is alway...