
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Touch Bearers

The Touch Bearers It takes a great deal of strength, boldness and determination to assume the responsibility of standing in the gap of making a deviation of change from the default societal norm or rather in a more down to earth term, standing to make a change.  Often, it takes more or all to show the rest of the world the possibilities embedded in a move for change outside of the generalized notion of age long belief that has overtime become a norm and  which is often characterized with no slightest expectation of a possible system collapse. From time immemorial, even in the midst of the common orientation of thoughts among the lots of the human population, there have always been some special ones that could read in between the lines of time and often they tend to see beyond the average aligned mind set of many around them. In a way it seem like providence has a way of paving out a path of sustenance through the present for the unknown future, so there is alway...
How to Make Sustainable Furniture Choices For budget-conscious consumers, frequent movers, or first-time renters, furniture meant to stand the test of time doesn't exactly sound feasible. A $30 coffee table, $200 bed frame, and $150 dresser may sound enticing, but as many of us have found out the hard way, these particleboard wonders weren't exactly built to last. The primary issue with cheap, dispensable, slap-together-in-a-1-2-3 furniture isn’t just what it’s made of (we’ll get to that shortly). The bigger problem: It’s easy to chuck it. When there’s a low upfront investment, we may not be as attached to a set of inexpensive side tables as compared to heirloom oak ones. If it teeters, wobbles, breaks, or doesn’t fit a room’s changing design aesthetic, the simple solution is to toss furniture to the curb and buy new, right? Though bargain-basement furniture offers a temporary solution, investing in replacements every few years can put a damper on your wallet and th...

Paving the way forward before Paris

Ever since global warming became a fact of certainty, each year of inaction has often recorded significant rise in global temperature and that means every year after records a higher degree of temperature and while we have been having records of downplays at the international talks, we can as well assume, a direct proportional variation, considering the years of down plays and the corresponding increase in global temperature and the constant of time tickling away. The climate negotiations have begun in earnest in the capital of Peru,  Lima , with the convergence of all stakeholders in the business of climate talks and then we have our hopes rising again on the scale of probably things would work out right at this time as it’s a significant timing in the history of negotiating the future of our planet in the face of a changing climate and even as we look towards a new deal in Paris come 2015. The ban-kin moon’s climate summit held in New York earlier this year proved...