Families seeking out climate resilient crops in Rwanda
45 year-old Angelina Umimnana is a subsistence farmer living in Burera in the north of Rwanda. Angelina was forced to survive on one meal a day - sometimes nothing at all – before she switched to a climate resilient crop. 90% of Rwandans rely on hand-to-mouth subsistence farming and grow beans, the staple food of the country. But traditional agriculture in Rwanda suffers from a lack of irrigation and water storage systems. It is estimated that 97% of farming is rain-fed which leave food supplies vulnerable to climate change. Increasingly unpredictable rainfall spoils the bean harvest, forcing people to buy food. But increasing food prices here and all over the world means more and more are forced to go hungry. Anne Abingeri, who works for a local NGO explains the awareness of the issue amongst farmers. ‘The people are not much aware of “climate change”, all they know and talk about is the change in weather patterns.’ These changes in the climate can have a devastatin...